8am to 8 pm
Mon-Fri 8:00AM - 8:00PM
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Step 1: Patient Registration

Use our online Patient Registration form to tell us about yourself, the reason for your appointment and to register your personal phone number

Step 2: Payment

Use our secure payment form to pay for your teleconsultation

Step 3: Teleconsultation

You will receive a phone/video call from our doctor in 30mins.

Step 4: After Teleconsultation

  • All prescriptions will be sent as E-scripts via SMS after the call.
  • All referrals/medical certificates will be emailed by the end of the business day.
  • An option to book a follow up appointment will be sent.

If you have any further enquiries about the service, please contact HealthHub Springfield via email or by phone on (07) 3778 4888.

Same Day Appointments Available

Walk-in Welcome